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If you're here, you've probably tried to login to the Junior Golf Scoreboard Rankings and been taken back to a blank log in screen after attempting to log in.

Please find your browser and operating system below and follow the steps before trying to contact the Junior Golf Scoreboard.

We've compiled a simple list of steps to activate your browser cookies, which should solve the issues you are having trying to log in. While this list of browsers is not complete, it does cover the most popular ones in use today; if these instructions do not allow you to login to JGS, please refer to your browser's "Help" menu for more details. (If your browser is not in the list below, please refer to your browser's "Help" menu for detailed instructions on how to activate your browser cookies.)

Internet Explorer/MSN Explorer on Windows 98/2000/XP

  1. Go to the "Start" menu on your taskbar.
  2. - For XP users: Go to "Control Panel."
    - For Windows 98/2000 users or XP users that are using the Classic appearance: Go to "Settings"->"Control Panel."
  3. Choose the "Internet Options" icon. When the options open, select the "Privacy" tab.
  4. - For XP users that have installed Service Pack 2: Under the section titled "Settings", click on the button called "Sites"
    - For all other Internet Explorer users: Under the section titled "Web Sites," it will say, "To override cookie handling for individual Web sites…." Click on the "Edit" button
  5. In the "Address" of website box, type and click the "Allow" button. The name should appear in the box below, with the setting "Always Allow."
  6. Repeat step five and add
  7. Hit OK.
  8. Hit OK again
  9. Restart your computer and then attempt to log in to Junior Golf Scoreboard

Internet Explorer on MacIntosh

  1. Start Internet Explorer.
  2. Select the menu "Explorer," and choose "Preferences."
  3. Select, on the left-hand side, "Receiving Files." It will open up to three possible options.
  4. Select "Cookies."
  5. On the right-hand side, you will see below the list of sites, a dropdown box that says "When receiving cookies…." Select either "Never Ask" or "Ask for each site."
    • "Never Ask" will accept all cookies from now on.
    • "Ask for each site" will prompt you whenever a site wishes to add a cookie. If you allow or deny cookies, you will allow or deny all cookies for that site.
  6. Restart your computer
  7. Try to login to Junior Golf Scoreboard. If you chose "Ask for each site," select "Allow" when it asks you for Junior Golf Scoreboard

Netscape Navigator/Mozilla

Netscape/Mozilla's menus are subtly different depending on which operating system you are using (it is available for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Unix). The instructions below are for Windows, but for other platforms, they will be very similar.

  1. Open Netscape/Mozilla, and chose the "Tools" menu.
  2. In the "Tools" menu, there is something called the "Cookie Manager." Select that. If you are presented with the option to "Unblock cookies from this site" do so.
  3. If "Unblock Cookies" is not an option, go to the "Edit" menu and select "Preferences."
  4. In the category window, on the left, you will see the category "Privacy & Security." Click on the "+" to expand that category. Beneath it, you will see the option "Cookies." Select that.
  5. You now have three options that will work for you. "Enable cookies for the originating web site only," "Enable cookies based on privacy settings," and "Enable all cookies." Decide which would be best for you. For further details, please consult the web browser's help menu.
  6. Restart your computer and then try to login to Junior Golf Scoreboard

Mozilla Firefox

  1. - For Windows users: Open Firefox, and chose the "Tools" menu, and select "Options."
    - For Linux users: Open Firefox, and chose the "Edit" menu and select "Preferences."
  2. Select the "Privacy" icon on the left-hand side. On the right-hand side, expand the "Cookies" section.
  3. Click on the "Exceptions" button.
  4. Enter in the "Address" of website box, and hit "Allow."
  5. Repeat Step 4 with
  6. Hit OK to exit.
  7. Hit OK again
  8. Restart your computer and then try to login to Junior Golf Scoreboard

Opera for Windows

  1. Start Opera, and select the "Tools" menu. In the "Tools" menu, choose "Preferences."
  2. On the left-hand side, chose "Privacy."
  3. Select the "Manage Cookies" button. In the "Quick Find" box, type
  4. If the window below is blank, you have no rules set up for Junior Golf Scoreboard. If so, hit the "New" button on the right. Type in the text box at the top. Otherwise, select the folder that appeared in the bottom window, and select "Edit" on the right.
  5. In the "Server Properties" window, uncheck "Use defaults for normal cookies." Check "Apply these settings for entire domain," and "Accept cookies for server/domain." You can check or uncheck the last two options, as you see fit. Hit OK.
  6. Repeat steps above with
  7. Hit the "Close" button, and then OK.
  8. Restart your computer
  9. Try to login to Junior Golf Scoreboard

Safari for Mac

  1. Start Safari, and select the "Safari" menu and choose "Preferences."
  2. Choose the "Security" tab.
  3. In the "Accept Cookies" section, you have 2 options that will work. You can choose "Always" or "Only from sites you navigate to". Choose which ever you would prefer.
  4. Hit the "Close" button.
  5. Restart your computer
  6. Try to login to Junior Golf Scoreboard

If you still have log on issues after this, please contact us for further investigation at or call us toll-free at 804-935-1800.