Organize your playing schedule!
Welcome to the Junior Golf Scoreboard Tournament Planning Calendar (TPC) to all rankings subscribers!
The Junior Golf Scoreboard TPC is a fast and easy way to plan your competitive junior golf season. You can see entry deadlines, enter travel details, and post personal and family events as well. Here's a summary of how it works.
- If you are a rankings subscriber simply sign in and you have access to start building your calendar – it's waiting for you.
Once you have signed in, go to the Tournaments menu, perform a search, and click on the "Add to Calendar" button for an event – done!
- Click on "List View" to manually enter
- Tournaments we do not follow – adult, amateur, high school
- Travel details
- Practice rounds
- Family vacations
- Personal dates and commitments and color code
- Edit and delete easily
- Click on "Calendar View" to see it in grid format – ready for the refrigerator

It's fun, easy to use and something extra from the Junior Golf Scoreboard !