Riley Rennell
Scott Robertson 2015
SJGT Capital Hill Classic - Medalist
SJGT Magnolia Grove - Top 5
SJGT Hampton Cove -Top 3
The Wally - Top 5
Scott Robertson - Top 10
SJGT Tournament of Champions - Medalist
AJGA Randy Wise - Runner Up
AJGA Memorial - Top 10
AJGA MacArthur Towel - Top 5
You’re welcome. My pleasure.
To start off, tell us something people don’t know about you.
Well most people know I hit it pretty far. They know I am fairly athletic but what most people don’t know is that I am a fourth degree black belt in Tai Kwon Do. I also took four years of Jijitsu.
You are sophomore so you started very young.
Yes sir, I started when I was six years old. I have been doing Tai Kwon Do for 10 years.
What do you like about that? What attracted you to that sport?
My father got me into it because he felt it would be good for my overall strength, my momentum and stuff. I really started to like it when I was 10 or 11. It’s so much fun. It’s a unique sport.
Was it all girls or was it a mixed class?
Usually it was a mixed class.
So at an early age, did you learn how to beat up boys?
Yes sir I did. They are all afraid of me.
What do you think is the connection between that sport and golf? What about that made you a better golfer.
I think core strength. You have to be able to us your core for momentum in you golf swing. I think it also helps with eye hand coordination.
Speaking of hands, we see that you have band aids and tape all over them. Why is that?
I am really devoted. I really work hard. I hit balls for at least five or six hours a day. The tape is really to protect my hands, not to cover a blister. But I do get little cuts from time to time.
What is it you think you like about the game of golf the most? What draws you to the game?
My father was a golf professional so he got me into it. But I’m drawn to golf because of the life lessons you learn. You’re going to have good times and bad times. But the good times are so great.
Guys have told us that one of the reasons they like golf is because they always have the ball.
That’s true because you are in total control.
If you could not play golf, what sport would it be?
I really don’t know because I have been devoted to golf since I was little.
How old were you when you won you first tournament?
I was six or seven and it was a US Kids event.
Let’s do the favorite list thing. Favorite color?
LPGA golfer?
Lexi Thompson
Lucky number?
Favorite subject in school?
History definitely.
Least favorite?
English !
Favorite movie?
I really like the Terminator movies.
Me too, good choice.
Yes Sir.
Share with us some goals that you have.
I have tried to set some personal goals and one for me is to start on a certain day and set a total under par for the year.
What’s your favorite part of the game?
Oh definitely driving. I like hitting that ball hard.
What tournament would you like to win?
This one because I really want a tree.
That’s right they plant a tree and put a plaque underneath them with the winner’s name.
Yes I walked by Paula Creamer’s tree. It’s something I really want.
Let’s end on that note. Thanks for your time Riley.
You’re welcome. Thank you.