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Ginger Howard

US Junior - 2009


US Junior Girls Qualifier - Matchplay
Scott Robertson - Top 15
AJGA - Mizuno at Innsbrook - Top 10


AJGA - All American Honorable Mention

Trusted Choice Big "I" - MedalistHailing from Bradenton, FL, Ginger is an up and coming ranked player. We caught up with her as she travelled with her family to the US Junior at Trump National. Ginger it's great to meet you and thanks for agreeing to talk with us. Well, we're here at a pretty big tournament, the US Girls Amateur. Tell us what winning this tournament would mean to you.

It would be very great. It would be amazing

Is the US Junior in a special category in your list of tournaments?

Well it’s definitely the biggest junior tournament out there. It would probably be on my top five list.

One question we always ask is how did this all get started with golf?

Well it started about nine years ago with my sister and my Dad at a driving range in Pennsylvania where we were living. My sister and I were bored and we did not want to just watch him. He eventually got us some US Kids clubs, golf gloves and balls and that’s how we started.

How did you practice in the winter in Pennsylvania.

Well we really couldn’t and about six years ago we moved to Florida.

Have you ever played any other sports.

Yes I played tennis but I did not enjoy that as much. I wasn’t as competitive. I also played soccer but that was just a gym sport.

If you couldn’t play golf, what would you play?

I probably would go back to tennis.

Changing pace here, how would other people describe you as a person?

They would say I am a very happy, positive person and that I am enthusiastic too.

Does that carry over to the golf course too?

Yes as far as a positive attitude is concerned. But I also get very focused on the course while I am playing.

In the book “Golf Is Not A Game of Perfect” Bob Rotella talks about concentration, confidence, and composure. Which of those are your best attributes?

Definitely confidence. I am always very confident about where I am in my game. It’s the number one thing to have to compete at a high level. Without it nothing is possible on the course.

Annika Sorestam spoke at the dinner last night about not trying to move up the ladder all at once but rather to move up one rung at a time. Did that ring a bell for you?

I love what she said about that because it’s about taking baby steps to gain confidence. That definitely spoke to me because I need to be reminded sometimes.

How do you prepare for an tournament? To get ready do you change your normal practice routine?

I always stay to my routine unless my coach may say something about it.

Which part of your game can you rely on the most?

Definitely my putting. Generally my short game. I rely on it because it’s always there for me.

How would you divide up two hours of practice?

I would spend 40 minutes on the range and the rest on short game and putting.

What’s your taste in music?

I like all kinds except country. I do like Rascal Flatts

What’s the best way for you to relax?

Listening to music. I just put my headphones on and probably listen to classical music.

In school, favorite subject, least favorite subject?

My favorite is history. My least is science. I like math too. I’m pretty self motivated but I do have to be reminded to stay ahead of my work. School comes before golf.

If you have an opportunity to do something better, not golf related, what would that be?

I get my hopes up too much and I have to calm down.

Tell us something people don’t know about you.

I am a huge Jonas Brothers fan and Twilight fan. I know every Jonas Brothers fan and sing along. I love to sing especially with my little brother.

Do you have chores around the house?

Oh yes – dishes and keeping my room neat.

Thank you very much Ginger for talking with us.

My pleasure.